Due to the additional cost of purchasing onboard Wi-Fi, we strongly recommend that you download electronic publications before boarding.
Please note that the onboard Wi-Fi has a limited download capacity, and the file size of electronic publications is at least 20MB or more. Therefore, downloading during the flight may result in insufficient data or in-completed downloads, which can affect your reading experience.
Furthermore, please be aware that Wi-Fi service is not available on some of our aircrafts. As a result, it is not possible to download electronic publications during that flight. To avoid any inconvenience mentioned above, we suggest that you use available internet access before Takeoff or upon arrival at your destination to download the necessary electronic publications to your personal mobile device, ensuring a smooth reading experience.
If you have been provided with complimentary onboard Wi-Fi data or have made the necessary data request prior to boarding, or if you have purchased additional data onboard, you can download the electronic publications during the flight using the satellite internet connection.
Please note that flight attendants are unable to provide passengers with free Wi-Fi passwords onboard.