EVA Mileage Mall

EVA Mileage Mall
EVA Mileage Mall is launched online! Now it’s time to shop and earn award miles! You can select up to 3,000 featured merchants and shop with your favourite brands anytime and anywhere. Miles up with every purchase!
Easy steps for you to shop and earn miles.
- Login:Log into EVA Mileage Mall using your EVA AIR Infinity MileageLands Account before you begin your shopping journey. Not a member? Sign up here.
- Enable your Internet browser cookies:Cookies are used to track your path from EVA Mileage Mall to the merchant’s website and enable us to allocate the Miles you’ll earn from your purchase to your Infinity MileageLands Account. For more information on cookies click here.
- Shop Online:
- You can choose from a variety of merchants to earn miles for shopping, dining, grocery, health and beauty, leisure and entertainment, sports and more.
- Reminder:Not every item qualifies for the mileage accumulation.
- Please read the purchase conditions before you start shopping via EVA Mileage Mall merchant introduction page. By clicking “Shop Now”, you will leave the EVA Mileage Mall and be transferred to the merchant’s home page. Please make sure to accept the merchant site cookies as well. Cookies allow us to track your purchase — without them there’s no way for the system to allocate Miles to your Infinity MileageLands Account. Also, please do not click on another banner or website promoting the merchant before you complete your transaction. If you must visit another site before completing your purchase, please use a different browser to do so. Interrupting the browser session that started from EVA Mileage Mall can affect the tracking of your current transaction.
- Earn Miles:Upon successful completion of your purchases with the merchant, it takes up to 5 working days for a purchase to display as 'Pending'. Your account will be updated to show your purchase as "Approved" when we have validated your purchase with the merchant, then your mileage will accumulate to your Infinity MileageLands account. This typically takes up to 120 days, depending on the merchant.
- Please click here for FAQs about EVA Mileage Mall.
- By clicking “Shop Now”, you will leave the EVA official website (www.evaair.com). You will be transferred from the EVA official website to the EVA Mileage Mall, a third party website powered by Valuedynamx.
- EVA Mileage Mall is powered by Valuedynamx. EVA Air and its subsidiaries are not responsible for any products, services or other benefits provided by Valuedynamx. Valuedynamx’s terms and conditions apply to such transactions and payments processed.
- EVA Air strongly recommends that the “Infinity MileageLands” Member reads the terms and conditions imposed. By utilizing the EVA Mileage Mall, the “Infinity MileageLands” Member agrees to abide by the terms and conditions imposed by EVA Mileage Mall.
- Please note that miles earned through EVA Mileage Mall cannot be counted toward membership upgrades or renewals.
- By making a transaction via EVA Mileage Mall, you acknowledge that you have read the relevant provisions herein carefully and agree to be bound by them. EVA Air may amend the rules from time to time and announce it on the website. Transactions completed before the amendment will not be affected.
- In addition to the provisions of the Rules, the rules for “Earning Mileage/Mileage Redemption” of Infinity MileageLands also apply. If any rules herein are inconsistent with, or conflict with, the rules in the “Earning Mileage/Mileage Redemption” of Infinity MileageLands, the terms herein shall prevail.