New York

Do you know why people call New York "The Big Apple"? It was said that an American jazz band was running a worldwide road show from 1920 to 1930. The musicians used to joke about cities where they were going to perform as apples on trees. Since New York was the one where musicians could make the biggest profit, it got the nickname of "The Big Apple." Subsequently, the tourism business continued using the name as a symbol of New York. The city is also a favorite of many film directors. It is chosen as the set for hundreds of movies and TV programs. The many jazz bars, fashion shows, boutiques, theaters, hip-hop, and its graffiti culture make New York a fun city day and night.
Official Language: English
Currency: United States dollar (USD)
Time Zone: UTC-5
Calling Code: +1

Brooklyn Bridge
Address: Brooklyn Bridge, New York, NY 10038, United States
Official Website: N/A

Statue of Liberty
Address: Liberty Island New York, NY 10004, United States
Official Website: N/A

Manhattan Bridge
Address: Manhattan Bridge, New York, NY 11201, United States
Official Website: N/A