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Automated Check-in

Still waiting for check-in? Can’t stand the long queue at the airport? Now you have a more convenient choice for check-in!

Automated check-in, apply it now!

Automated Check-in

Apply Automated check-in anytime and anywhere on your smartphone or laptop.

Check-in will be automatically completed and your completion notice will be sent to your dedicated e-mail 48 hours before flight departs. 

Push notification service is also available on EVA AIR App.

How to apply?

360 days ~ 48 hours prior to departure.

On our website, or log in to the EVA AIR App to manage your trip of EVA Air and UNI Air International flight. Let’s apply now!

3 Steps to do it!

Step 1:Choose flight segment

Step 2:Input passport data/contact information

Step 3:Application completed, just wait for e-mail notification.


  • Passengers who have not reserved a seat will randomly obtained after the system automatically check-in. If there are vacant seats available, you can still make changes online.
  • You can apply Automated check-in for whole flight segments in same booking record at the same time.

Self-service Baggage Drop

Self Service Baggage Drop

EVA Airways offers a self-service baggage drop in Taoyuan Metro A1 Taipei Main Station and Taoyuan Airport T2, counter 16 and 17 to provide you a more efficient and easier way to check your bag.

For more information, please refer to Self-service Baggage Drop.