Corporate Governance
Remuneration Committee
To fulfill corporate governance and ensure a well system for compensation of the directors and managerial officers of the Company, the Company has established the Remuneration Committee on September 30, 2011 in accordance with the “Regulations Governing the Appointment and Exercise of Powers by the Remuneration Committee of a Company Whose Stock is Listed on the Taiwan Stock Exchange or the Taipei Exchange” promulgated by the Financial Supervisory Commission. The Remuneration Committee members, appointed by the Board of Directors, shall prescribe and periodically review the performance evaluation and remuneration policy, system, standards, and structure for directors and managerial officers. The remuneration of directors and managerial officers shall also be periodically evaluated and prescribed. Please refer to the Major Resolutions of Board of Directors for the resolutions of the committee.
Introduction of the Remuneration Committee Members
Title | Name | Major Current Positions, Experience & Education | Expertise |
Title Convener | Name
Chien, You-Hsin
(Independent Director Undertaking Public Welfare) | Major Current Positions, Experience & Education Current Positions:
Ph.D. of Aeronautics and Astronautics, New York University, the U.S.A. | Expertise
Title Committee Member | Name
Hsu, Shun-Hsiung
(Independent Director) | Major Current Positions, Experience & Education Current Positions: CPA and Managing Partner, YMH Company, CPAs Director, Sagittarius Life Science Corp. (TPEx:3205) Experience: Chairman, Taiwan Chapter of the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners Education: Master of Accounting, National Taiwan University | Expertise
Title Committee Member | Name
Wu, Chung-Pao
(Independent Director) | Major Current Positions, Experience & Education Current Positions:
Experience: Independent Director, Trade-Van Information Services Co. (TWSE:6183) Education: Master of International Business, National Taiwan University | Expertise
Attendance status of Remuneration Committee
Committee term: May 24, 2023 - May 23, 2026.
As of Dec. 27, 2024, four(4) committee meetings have been held, the attendance of members is as follow:
Title | Name | Attendance in Person (B) | Attendance by Proxy | Required Numbers of Attendance (A) | Attendance Rate % (B/A) | Remarks |
Title Convener | Name Chien, You-Hsin | Attendance in Person (B) 4 | Attendance by Proxy 0 | Required Numbers of Attendance (A) 4 | Attendance Rate % (B/A) 100% | Remarks |
Title Committee Member | Name Hsu, Shun-Hsiung | Attendance in Person (B) 4 | Attendance by Proxy 0 | Required Numbers of Attendance (A) 4 | Attendance Rate % (B/A) 100% | Remarks |
Title Committee Member | Name Wu, Chung-Pao | Attendance in Person (B) 4 | Attendance by Proxy 0 | Required Numbers of Attendance (A) 4 | Attendance Rate % (B/A) 100% | Remarks |